Saturday, 15 August 2015

4 Siddha yoga books Review in News paper and Magazine

jÄœ ò¤jf§fŸ – üš Ék®rd§fŸ

1. $ kfh fzgâ j¤Jt ïufáa« - üš Ék®rd« - Éiy %.100 (240g¡f«)
...nahf« k‰W« ïju tÊgh£L KiwfËš gy ÃiyfËš tÃhaf¥ bgUkh‹ vªbjªj brašfS¡F Mjhukhfî«, á¤j jU« bjŒtkhfî« És§F»wh® v‹gij vL¤Jiu¥gnjhL, fzgâna ehuhaz‹, et»uf§fËš FUgfth‹, mtnu ãuzt«, mtnu F©lÈÂ, _¢R¡F«, eho¡F« mtnu mâgâ v‹gd ngh‹w gy Étu§fis Mjhu¤Jl‹ És¡», Éehaf® g‰¿a ufáa§fis ÉǤJiu¡»wJ.               
- e‹¿ âdk ehnsL 05. 03. 2009
...á¤j®fŸ tÊgh£L Kiwia ã‹g‰Wgt®fS¡F, ïªj üš ešy tÊfh£oahf ïU¡»wJ.  kfh fzgâÆ‹ bgUikfŸ, ãuzt XÈ _y« fzehj‹ v›thW e« kdâDŸ EiHªJ e«ik M£bfhŸ»wh®? nahf« k‰W« ïju tÊgh£L KiwfËš Éehaf® vªbjªj brašfS¡F Mjhukhf ïU¡»wh® ngh‹wt‰iw És¡F»‹w ešy ò¤jf«.  
 - e‹¿ Phd Mya« kh®¢ 2009 ïjœ        


2. Phd¤â‹ Fuš - ò¤jf kâ¥òiu - 160 g¡f« - Éiy %.60
...âUtšÈ¡nfÂÆš thœªj kfh‹ á¤nj°tu®. mt® thœ¡ifÆš gy mâra§fis eilbg‰WŸsd.  mtUl‹ gfH»a mDgt§fŸ mt® ilÇÆš f©l F¿¥òfŸ M»at‰iw it¤J, mtUila Ól® ãunghju‹ RFkh® ïªj üiy vGâíŸsh®.  M‹ÄfthâfŸ go¡f nt©oa üš.             
-–e‹¿ âdjªâ 08.04.2009                                 
...ïªüyháÇa®, m‰òjkhd nahf, âahd, N¡Fk Éra§fis Äf mHfhf¤ bjhF¤ jªâU¡»wh®.  kªâu«, jªâu«, aªâu, ói# KjÈa N¡Fk tÊKiwfS« bjËîw És¡f¥g£LŸsd. $ ɤij, áUZo¤ j¤Jt«, X«fhu«, nahf¤â‹ KoîÃiy, nkh£r«, ÉŠPhdK« nahfK« KjÈat‰iw¥ gy nfhz§fËš MuhŒªJ És¡f¥g£LŸsd.  M‹ÄfK« ÉŠPhdK« fyªJ cUth¡f¥g£LŸs c‹djkhd fsŠáakhf¤ âfœ»wJ ïªüš. –             
- e‹¿ X«r¡â khj ïjœ - ã¥utÇ 2010
...°thÄ á¤nj°tu® mU£fÉahf¤ âfœªjt®.  ïiwtÅ‹ óuz mD¡»uf á¤j¤â‹ nguUshš c¢f£l Phdnahf áfu¤ij¤ bjh£lt®.  mtUila M‹Äf mDgt§fisí«, mtuJ m‰òjkhd mUŸ F¿¥òfisí« bfh©L, °thÄfË‹ beU§»a Óluhf És§»a ãunghju‹ RFkh® cz®ªJ bj˪J áwªJŸsh®. xU§»izªj nahf Éõa§fŸ k‰W« nahf«, áUZo, $ɤij ngh‹w mf©l, Mœªj j¤Jt§fis “Phd¤â‹ Fuyhf” k¡fŸ m¿í« t©z« Rkh® ïUüW cgjiy¥òfËš vËikahf És¡»íŸsh®.
“x§fhu¤ij¢ R‰¿na ïa§F« ãugŠr«” f£Liu És¡f« thá¥nghÇ‹ Mœkd¤ij vG¢áíw¢ brŒ»wJ.  “É©btË¥ gazK« nahf¤â‹ th‹btËÆš j‹dh£á òÇí« tÈikí«” f£LiuÆš bkŒPhd¤ijí«, ÉŠPhd¤ijí« ïiz¡F« fU¤J¡fŸ Éa¥ãyhœ¤J»‹wd.
-kªâu, aªâu, jªâu, nahf rh°âu§fŸ ÉtÇ¡f¥gLtJl‹, ãu«k #¡»a«, bjŒÉf Phd«, nrhk t£l« ngh‹w gy Mó®t j¤Jt§fŸ vËjhf És¡f¥g£LŸsd.  m©ik¡fhy¤âš v§bf§F« nahfh tF¥òfŸ eilbgW»‹wd.  nahf¥ gƉáÆš <LghL bfh©lt®fS¡F ï‹D« cjÉfukhd, mtáakhd üš ïJ.
e‹¿ kŠrÇ Mf°£ 2009

nahfK« kÅjÅ‹ Ãiyí« - ò¤jf kâ¥òiu - 160 g¡f« Éiy %. 50
...mkufÉ á¤njRtu® v‹gtÇ‹ j¤Jt«, MœÃiy nahf« k‰W« âahd kh®¡f¤â‹ ÃiyfŸ M»at‰iw ÉtÇ¡»wJ ïªüš.  _¢ir Óuh¡Ftnj nahf«.  mj‹ mo¥gil¤ j¤Jt«, njf¤â‹ cz®î, nahf¤â‹ ão¡FŸ mf¥gL« Ãiy, gutr ÃiyÆš Mœªj _is, mUŸ th¡fhf khWtJ v›Éj«? mj‹ _y« iftu¥bg‰w M‹k r¡â v›thW nehŒfis¤ Ô®¡f cjî»wJ v‹gijbašyh« bjËthf És¡»íŸsh® MáÇa®.  ïu©lh« gFâÆš nahf rhjidfË‹ 33 m£ltidzfis¥ g£oaÈ£L jªj Éj« m‰òj«. ïiw tÊgh£oš nahf¤â‹ go¥goahd ÃiyfŸ F¿¤J« M‹Äf« k‰W« áªjid, brašfis ïa¡FtJ M»ait F¿¤J« És¡F»wJ ïªüš. –                  
uhfÉnehj‹ r¡â Éfl‹ 24.02.09                                             
“_¢ir ml¡FtJ nahfkšy _¢ir ml§f it¥gnj nahf«” v‹W nahfh j¤Jt¤ij $ɤah cghridnahL bjǪJ bfhŸs it¡F« X¥g‰w üš, mkufÉ á¤nj°tuÇ‹ âahd, nahf kh®¡f¤â‹ gy Ãiyfis És¡F»‹w á¤j nahf üš ïJ.  ïU¥bjhU jiy¥òfËš mó®tkhd fU¤J¡fŸ vËikahf ïU¡»‹wd.  nkY« gy mÇa És¡f§fŸ f£Liuahf ïšyhkš, mWgJ g¡f§fËš, m£ltiztoÉš K¥g¤J _‹W Égu¡f£l§fshf btËÆ£oU¥gJ vËâš òǪJ bfhŸs it¡»‹w ghu£l¤j¡f Ka‰á. nahfhÉš Jt¡f ÃiyÆš ïU¥gt®fS¡F k£Lk‹¿, nahf¥ gƉáfis V‰fdnt m¿ªâU¥gt®fS«, j¤Jth®¤jkhf¤ bjǪJ bfhŸs cjw, ga‹Ä¡f üš.
-e‹¿ kŠrÇ V¥uš 2009
... “guk mQ” v‹w ïªJ kj« bgU§fhykhf TW« ekJ cÆÇ‹ e‹ik jU« XU m«r« mJnt.  (ïij¤jh‹ ï‹iwa eåd ÉŠPhÅfŸ ònuh£lh‹ v‹W TW»‹wh®fŸ) nkY«, mJnt òy‹fË‹ ryd§fis mʤJ kÅjD¡F Vfh¡»u Ãiyia mË¡F« r¡âia cilaJ.  mªÃiyÆš (Vfh¡fu) kÅj‹ v©z§fŸ m‰w îkykhd kîd¤âš ïiwtDl‹ bjhl®ò bfhŸ»‹wh‹.  m›thW cz®î¡F« m¥gh‰g£l ÃiyÆš ïiwt‹ mkufÉ á¤nj°tuU¡F mUËaJ nghš ek¡F ïªj khÅl  clÈ‹ óuz¤Jt¤ij e‹F m¿ªJbfhŸs cjwJ.  mjhtJ, mJnt rfy ãukh©l¤ijí« jh§F« ïa‰if r¡âahF«.                                     
e‹¿ (âdfu‹) M‹Äf gy‹ V¥uš 2009
...kÅj clÈ‹ j¤Jt«, M¤k r¡â, ãuhz r¡â, Rthr¥gƉá, nahf tÊKiwfŸ v‹W¥ gyt‰iwí« myR»‹w üš.                             
 e‹¿ g¡â nk ïjœ 2009                              
...nahf¤âš, ïiw tÊgh£oš cŸs go¥goahd Ãiyfis m¿ªJ bfhŸs cjî« üš.  Kj‰ gFâ f£Liufshfî« ïu©lhtJ gFâ nahf tÊ Kiwfis És¡F« m£ltizahfî« bfhL¡f¥g£LŸsJ.  kÅjÅ‹ Ãiy v›thW nahf« _y« go¥goahf bjŒt Ãiyia mil»wJ? nahf¤â‹ mo¥gil¤ j¤Jt«, njf¤â‹ cz®î¤ j¤Jt« v¥go nahf¤â‹ ão¡FŸ mf¥gL»wJ v‹W És¡f¥g£LŸsJ.
-e‹¿ Phd Mya« kh®¢ 2009
...á¤j®fS«, ntjfhy ÇÎfS« nahf Kiwfshš ïiwtid cz®ªjh®fŸ; ïiw Ãiyia milªjh®fŸ.  mt®fË‹ ïªj nahf Kiwfis e‹F f‰W, cz®ªJ nahf ÃiyÆ‹ c¢r¤ij¤ bjh£lt® á¤nj°tu®.  mtÇ‹ j¤Jt¤ijí«, MœÃiy nahf k‰W« âahd kh®¡f¤â‹ gy Ãiyfisí« Óluhf ïUªJ f‰wt‰iw ïªüÈš bfhz®ªâU¡»wh® É. M®. É#aFkh®.  Kj‰ gFâÆš nahf, M‹Äf Éõa§fis És¡F« f£LiufS«, ïu©lhtJ gFâÆš nahf tÊKiwfËš cŸs K‹nd‰w¥ gofis És¡F« gyÉjkhd m£ltizfS« ïl«bg‰WŸsd. bjŒt tÊgh£oš <LghLŸs midtU« m¿ªJ ga‹bgw¤j¡fJ, ïªüš.                                                       e‹¿ X«r¡â nk ïjœ 2009

4. The Perfect Sage (c©ik PhÅ) - ò¤jf kâ¥òiu Éiy.%. 150
nt«bgd¡ fr¡F« ca® Ãiy¤ j¤Jt§fŸ k‰W« M‹Äf Éõa§fis, ïŤâL« btšy¥ghfhf th®¤J tH§»íŸs üyháÇaÇ‹ rhjid ghuh£L¡FÇaJ; ngh‰Wj‰FÇaJ.
uhk‹ K¤JrhÄ e‹¿ âdky® 10. 01. 2010      

5. rh«gÉ nahf« ãunghju‹ RFkh® - Éiy %.150
r«ò v‹gJ átbgUkhÅ‹ âUehk«. r«òÉ‹ kidÉ bga® rh«gÉ.  nahf rhjidÆš nkny¿ tU« nah»fS¡F nahf á¤âfis mË¡F« bjŒtnk rh«gÉ.  $ɤah nahf kh®¡f¤âš rh«gÉ njtijÆ‹ cghrid Kiwfis rh«gÉ É¤ah v‹»wh®fŸ.  rh«gÉ nahf« v‹w ïªüš xU Phd üš,  nah»fS¡fhd ïªj ò¤jf¤ij rhjhuz k¡fS« go¤J ga‹ bgwyh«.  mkufÉ á¤nj°tu RthÄfŸ $ɤah nahf kh®¡f¤â‹ tÊKiwfis¤ ÔÉukhf MuhŒªJ mjid jkJ Ra mDg¤âš f©l¿ªJŸsh®fŸ.
v©z¤ij ïu©L ÉdhofŸ ÃW¤â it¤jhny mJnt Äf¥ bgÇa nahf rhjidahF«.  áy ÉehofS¡F nkš v©z¤ij XŒî bfhŸs¢ brŒí« rhjid¡F v‹d bga®?  mJjh‹ ntj fhy¤âš thœªj ãu«k PhÅfŸ ifah©l ãu«k ÃZil v‹w KiwahF«.  ãu«k ÃZilÆš k£Lnk v©z¤ij xU áy ÃÄl§fS¡F nkš XŒî bfhŸs¢ brŒa Koí«.  bjŒåf á¤j òUõ® uhkrªâuh v‹w mkufÉ á¤nj°tu® btË cyf bjhl®òfis K‰¿Ykhf J©o¤J¡ bfh©L, jd¡FŸ I¡»akh», bjŒåf¤â‹ r¡âia cyf¤J¡F btË¥gL¤â¡ bfhŸshky rhjhuz k¡fis¥ nghš x® vËikahd thœ¡ifKiwia nk‰ bfh©L tªJŸsh®.  mtuJ M‹Äf mDgt§fis ò¤jf toÉš jh§» tªâU¡F« rh«gÉ nahf« M‹Äf thr®fS¡F xU tu¥ãurhjkhF«.
âdk üš Ék®rd« ehŸ 17.03.2104 â§fŸ »Hik
átÅ‹ kidÉ bgaÇš tH§f¥gL« rh«gÉ É¤ah v‹w cghrid _y« miyghí« kd¤ij xUKf¥gL¤JtJ, áUZoÆ‹ j¤Jt ïufáa«,  _¢R gƉá, ïa‰ifia ml¡»ahS« nguh‰wš, ngh‹w gy EQ¡fkhd M‹Äf jftšfŸ mkufÉ á¤nj°tuÇ‹ mDgt thÆyhf bjËthf És¡f¥g£LŸsd. 
e‹¿: âd¤jªâ ehŸ 14.05.2014                                                                     

Amarakaviyin Deivega Kanavugal Tamil

 mkufÉÆ‹ bjŒåf¡ fdîfŸ
MáÇa®:  É M® É#aFkh® -
Kj‰ gâ¥ò 2011 Multi colour with Art paper - Hard bound
g¡f§fŸ: 320 - üš msî: bl«Ä 1/8 –
m£il:  t©z bf£o m£il - Éiy: %.350

mkufÉ á¤nj°tu® 1906 - 1993  br‹id âUtšÈ¡nfÂÆš thœªj (á¤j nah») _y fzgâ k‰W« $ ɤah cghrf® Mth®.  ïšyw PhÅahd ïtU¡F 1940 Kjš 1955 M©LfŸ tiu bjŒåf¡ fdîfŸ njh‹¿ tªjd.  mit mid¤J« ã‰fhy¤âš mkufÉ mila¥ nghF« gy tifahd nahf á¤âfis á¤j òUõ®fŸ, kfh‹fŸ, ntjfhy kfÇÎfŸ M»ah® K‹d¿É¡F« Éjkhf mUŸ òÇa¥g£lJ.  nkY« m¡fdîfŸ  nahf, M‹Äf, j¤Jt És¡f§fŸ, njtijfŸ jÇrd«, njtijfË‹ mUis bgWjš, kªâu á¤âfË‹ j¤Jt«, nahf á¤âfË‹ És¡f§fŸ, fdî tÊ kfh‹fË‹ jnghr¡âia bgUjš, khÅl fdîfŸ - És¡f§fŸ, ÉÊ¥ò, fdî, cw¡f« - ÃiyfË‹ És¡f§fŸ, JÇa«, JßahÔj«, guk
gj« - És¡f§fŸ, kfh‹fË‹ fdîfŸ - És¡f§fŸ, bjŒåf¡ fdîfŸ fh£L« thœ¡ifÆ‹ be¿KiwfŸ, fdÉš kfh‹fË‹ jÇrd§fŸ, bjŒåf¡ fdîfŸ njh‹W« fhuz§fŸ, n#hâl ifnuif rh¤âu¤âš M‹Äf òâ®fŸ ngh‹wt‰iw És¡F« Éjkhf ïUªjJ.  mkufÉ 1948 M« M©L Kj‹ Kjyhf âUt©zhkiy ukz M°uk¤âš gfth‹ $ ukziu neÇš rªâ¤j nghJ ïªj bjŒåf fdîfË‹ ifbaG¤J ãuâ ò¤jf« mtU¡F thá¤J fh©ã¡f¥g£lJ v‹gJ F¿¥ãl j¡fJ. Rkh® 70 M©LfS¡F ã‹ ïitiz¤J« t©z ò¤jfkhf Kgikahd M®£ ng¥g® toÉš jÄÊš ïJngh‹w ngh‹w üš btËtuÉšiy v‹w bgUikíl‹ ‘mkufÉÆ‹ bjŒåf¡ fdîfŸ’ v‹w jiy¥ãš Kj‹ Kiwahf btËÆl¥g£LŸsJ.
fdîfŸ ïu©L Éj«.  rhjhuz khÅl‹ fhQ« fdîfŸ.  k‰bwh‹W kfh‹fŸ fhQ« fdîfŸ.  ïâš khÅl‹ fh©gJ bghŒahd Éõa§fŸ. I«bgh¿fŸ, òy‹fŸ, kd«, f‰gid, khia, K‹ brŒÉid ga‹fshš c©lhd ÃidîfŸ ngh‹witfŸjh‹ khÅl fdîfis cUth¡F»‹wd.  khwhf kfh‹fŸ fh©gJ c©ik¡ fdîfŸ.  mitfŸ ïiwtdhš njh‹Wgit.  vâ®fhy¤âš V‰gl¥ nghF« á¤âfisí« bjŒt jÇrd« k‰W« mUis K‹dnu m¿É¡F« x® m‰òjkhF«.  nkY«, ïªj ò¤jf¤âš fhQ« fdîfŸ mkufÉ á¤nj°tuU¡F ïiwaUshš V‰g£litfshF«.  mtuJ M‹Äf ts®¢áia msªJ fh£L« xU msî nfhyhf És§F»‹wd.

            ntjfhy kfÇÎfŸ, 18 á¤j®fŸ, ãu«k ÃZl®fŸ ngh‹wt®fS¡F k£Lnk V‰gL« M‹Äf k‰W« bjŒåf mDgt§fshF« ï¡fdîfŸ.  fÈíf¤âš ïJ ngh‹w bjŒåf¡ fdîfŸ bjhl®ªJ c©lh» gy ãu«k ïufáa§fis És¡»íŸsij XÉa§fshf tiuªJ M‹Äf j¤Jt És¡f¤njhL k¡fS¡F cjî« tifÆš ïªj bjŒåf ò¤jf« btËtªJŸsJ.  ïªj bjŒåf ò¤jf¤ij go¤J k¡fŸ j§sJ M‹Äf ts®¢á¡F bgUik nr®¡f nt©L«.   nkY«, bjŒåf¡ fdîfŸ njh‹Wtj‹ fhuz«, fhy«, F¿¡nfhŸ k‰W« És¡f§fis Äf¤bjËthf ï¥ò¤jf¤âš ju¥g£LŸsd.  k¡fŸ ïjid go¤J j§fsJ M‹Äf ts®¢áia br«ikah¡f nt©L« v‹gnj v§fŸ neh¡f«.  

Oru Siddha yogiyin sarithai Tamil

xU á¤j nah»Æ‹ rÇij  
MáÇa®:  ãnghju‹ RFkh® -
Kj‰ gâ¥ò 2011 g¤J mH»a t©z gl§fSl‹
g¡f§fŸ: 330 - üš msî: bl«Ä 1/8 –
m£il:  t©z bf£o m£il - Éiy: %.200

gy üW M©LfS¡F xU Kiwjh‹ mó®tkhf ïiwtÅ‹ mDóâ bg‰w kfh‹fŸ óÄÆš mtjÇ¥gh®fŸ v‹w T‰W¥go $ ïuhkrªâu® (á¤j nah») òJ¡nfh£ilÆš xU rhjhuz vËa FL«g¤âš 1906M« M©L ãwªjh®.  áWtaJ Kjny ïiwtDl‹ x‹¿izªJÉL« ‘ãu«k ght«, I¡»a ght«’ M»a $ ɤah nahf kh®¡f¤â‹ ca® Ãiyfis j«KŸ mDgɤJz®ªjh®. j‹Dila ïZl bjŒtkhf _yfzgâia ‘gug¡âÆš’ ÔÉu cghrid òǪJ kªâu, jhªâu rh°âu¤â‹ thÆyhf kndh‹k á¤â, F©lÈÅ á¤â, nfty F«gf á¤â, r§f Ãâ, gJk Ãâ á¤â, nah»Å K¤âuh á¤â, ãuzt á¤â ngh‹w gytifahd á¤âfis fLikahd $ ɤah cghrid gƉá KiwÆš bg‰wh®.
ntjfhy kfÇÎfŸ nk‰bfh©l ïšyw thœ¡ifia ã‹g‰¿ g®khbõš v‹w g‹dh£L v©bzŒ ÃWtd¤âš 35 tUl fhy¢ nrit òǪJ midtÇ‹ e‹kâ¥igí« ghuh£Ljiyí« bg‰W ‘f®k nahf¤â‰F’ vL¤J fh£lhf És§»dh®. $ ïuhkrªâu® FL«g thœ¡ifÆš gyÉj nghuh£l§fis rªâ¤J tªjhY« ïšthœ¡ifÆš mt® Jt©L nghŒ kd« btW¤J Xo¥ nghfÉšiy.  bysÑf¤âY« rÇ, M‹Äf¤âY« rÇ, jd¡F Él¥g£l rthšfis všyh« J¢rYl‹ vâ®bfh©L mâš cH‹W bfh©nl ïa‰ifÆ‹ jilfis Élhkš Ju¤â br‹W mâš mt® bt‰¿ bg‰w Rthuáakhd r«gt§fisí« Ãfœîfisí« ïªüÈš És¡fkhf vL¤J Tw¥g£LŸsJ.
$ ɤah nahf kh®¡f¤â‹ Äf¢ áw¥ghd jÅ tÊ vd¥ ngh‰w¥gL« gHÅ FkuntŸ, mf¤âa®, âU_y®, nghf® filão¤j ‘á¤j nahf kh®¡f¤ij’ ã‹g‰¿ ãu«k ÃZilÆ‹ áfu§fis všyh« Rygkhf bjh£L kf¤jhd nahf rhjidia òǪJŸsh®.  mtU¡F ‘FU’ v‹w °jhd¤âš vtUÄy®.  mJnghš Ól®fŸ v‹gtUÄšiy.  FUÉ‹ JizÆ‹¿ M‹Äf thœ¡ifÆid njo¢ bršY« midtU¡F« $ ïuhkrªâuÇ‹ thœ¡if rÇij gaDŸsjhf mikí«.  kÅj Fy nk«g£o‰F«, m¿É‹ gÇzhk ts®¢áÆ‹ K‹nd‰w« fhzî«  ïªüš cWJizahf És§F« v‹w fU¤Jl‹ Kjš ghf« Ãiwî fh©»wJ. 

Cosmic Truth behind Ramayana

Ramayana Wrapper

Ramayana is the best of all Epics of our mystic land Bharath.  Saint Valmigi wrote this Epic from out of Jnana Drishti under extreme grace of the Lord Sriman Narayanan.  There are plenty of characters in Ramayana, either positive or negative, as personification of various spiritual and yogic motions / concepts highlighted in the Vedic & yogic and lore. In fact, the cosmic truths behind Ramayana characters signifying many segments of Sri Vidya/Patanjali Yoga/other higher philosophies are well brought out in this super title according to Amarakavi siddheswara.
In brief, Lord Maha Vishnu chose to be born as a man on earth and son of King Dasaratha and demonstrated practically as to how a man should conduct a virtuous life and succeed in tapas amidst all odds and trials in life.  The whole story of Ramayana also allegorically stands for the entire gamut of tapas or yogic practices aimed at God realization through Inner Voice. The specialty of this great Epic is that almost all deities and celestials in Indian Mythology have participated as characters to assist Lord Sri Rama during his entire role from childhood to Pattabhishegam. 
The book contains many charts and tables depicting almost all the characters and their significations in yogic/spiritual/philosophical/mythological parlance. Therefore this book is unique in itself in that it enlightens every reader according to his store of knowledge in Indian higher philosophy.  It is also true that this wonder book released under the divine revelations experienced by Amarakavi Ramachandra is a boon to every reader, amateur or adept in Indian mysticism.
While Ramayana is well accepted as a divine grantha and its recitation is also frequently conducted with much devotion and sanctity throughout India, we believe that all the reading public of Ramayana will make an attempt to understand the cosmic truth behind this great divine Epic and get enlightened with the true concept of human evolution and spiritual progress towards self-consummation with the divine by digest of this wonder book emerging out of Amarakavi’s spiritual experience and knowledge.  Let this small tribute to Amarakavi serve as a bacon to reveal the substance behind the shadow of the great story of Ramayana. 
                                Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram


Spiritual Secrets – Question and Answers Part II - V R V

Spiritual Secrets – Part II  Question and Answers - V R V

Amarakavi Siddeswara, a born Siddha touched the peak of Tapas or the human evolution in the physical and became the chosen recipient of divine revelations in Brahma Nishta.  The present era has witnessed such a great soul whose attainments in yoga and tapas terminated in revealing the cosmic truths underlying the being and becoming of human being in the context of God realization.  His mighty works emerged at the peak of Brahma Nishta, the same source of Vedas and Upanishads not to speak of the great Bhagawad Gita.  His entire life was full of great siddies, spiritual dreams, divine revelations and yogic and spiritual experiences of great seers on record so far. 
This wonder book contains the cosmic truths around man’s existence and evolution towards God realization in the form of question and answer for easy digest of everyone engaged in the task of understanding and realizing the ins and outs of the challenges posed by nature before man to encounter and evolve into space where he is himself in close proximity with his divinity and self to become self-consummated with the eternal. The topics of the book envisage the secrets behind man’s faculties, gradients of Nishta, siddies and evolution in addition to definitions for various segments of nature within and without the human system.  We hope the readers will, certainly, reap the best harvest of this wonder book with material culled out from the revelations of Amarakavi for the benefit of the entire humanity as whole under the banner of universal brotherhood.

ISBN 978-93-80404-13-4

Friday, 2 December 2011

Siddha Art and paintings

Siddha Art and Painting Exhibition

An exhibition on the above subject was conducted at Chennai from 28th April to May 1st 2011 at C P Art centre Alwarpet Chennai 600 018 and a colourful book containing  all the 108 paintings with detailed commentary in Tamil was released.  The response from the common public and the appreciation from amateurs and adepts as well was enormously encouraging.  It is the unanimous desire of all the visitors that this spiritual feast should not be confined to the residents of Chennai and other parts of Tamilnadu should also get the blessings of the great Siddha Yogi Amarakavi by witnessing the excellent paintings of all the 108 Spiritual Dreams experienced by him between the year 1940 and 1955 heralding  his future yogic attainments and siddhies at the extreme grace of Lord Mula Ganapathi, his tutelary deity and  guarding angel in his march towards self-consummation with the Divine.  It is pertinent to hear to mention that the dreams were awarded to amarakavi as spiritual visions along with running commentary from Inner Voice depicting  the scenes and its sanctity and substance.  This is first of its kind in this kali yuga for a man to embrace and encounter such cosmic truths through divine favour.

A spiritual way to life

A spiritual way to life
By Ashish Joshi
The Perfect Sage Prabodharan Sukumar,
Hayagreeva Publication, Pp 272 (PB), Rs 150.00


‘THE purpose of life of any man is to join with the "Divine" which activates the
earth; which activates even a worm here.’ So begins The Perfect Sage, by
Prabodharan Sukumar. Ostensibly a tribute by the author to his teacher Sri
Amarakavi Ramachandra, a realised soul or Sidddheswara, who lived in
Triplicane, Chennai, the book also explores his teacher’s interactions with such
famous personalities as sir C V Raman, Dr S. Radhakrishnan and V V Giri.
In the introduction, the author says he first came into contact with Amarakavi
Ramachandra in 1981 in connection with his second book The Secret of Tapas.
From then till Sri Ramachandra attained his samadhi in 1993, the two forged a
close bond that went beyond mere friendship. Sri Ramachandra became his
spiritual guru, and tried to show him the way to divine salvation. He also shared
his mystical experiences with the author, and enlightened him about the Vedas
and the Upanishads-the fount of all spiritual knowledge. The author also learnt
about transcendental meditation, Brahma Tatvas, the philosophy of Adi
Shankara-knowledge which spans the gamut of the spiritual experience.
Sri Ramachandra interacted with many great spiritual personalities of his time,
such as Sri Aurobindo and Sir John Coats of the Theosophical Society and other
yogis, philosophers and religious heads which resulted in a lively exchange of
spiritual knowledge. The book is broadly divided into two sections-while the first
explores the life and times of Sri Ramachandra, the second section sheds light
on the mystical experiences of the famous personalities of our age. The
penultimate section of the book is an exhaustive timeline of the life of Sri
Ramachandra, while the final pages are devoted to a glossary of spiritual words
and phrases.

A must-read for those interested in the spiritual way of life, the book also serves
as a sort of challenge to those who view the world purely through a scientific
perspective. As a sort of antithesis to the age of reason, the book is well-written
and makes easy reading for the yogic guru as well for those who are taking their
first hesitating steps into the mystical frontiers with a sense of anticipation.

(Hayagreeva Publication, No. 108, New No. 176, Big Street, Triplicane, Chennai-600 005)
Book Reviewed by Organiser dated October 10, 2010